
Lions Adjust To Early Injuries With 'Magnificent' Play From Subs

Seb Goal

Orlando City geared up to keep their playoff dreams alive last night at the Citrus Bowl. While welcoming the MontrĆ©al Impact, Orlando City also welcomed over 35,000 loyal fans ā€“ the third largest crowd this season ā€“ to fill the stadium with purple and specks of white. The Orlando lineup that started the game was comparatively different to the one that ended it.

The first five minutes proved to be unfortunate as Orlando City incurred two quick injuries. Right back Rafael Ramos and 18 year-old center back Tommy Redding collided, forcing an unconventional duo of substitutions which completely restructured the back four. Luke Boden and Seb Hines came on and made an immediate impact to the game, shifting Brek Shea to right back. Coach Adrian Heath commended Brekā€™s performance, ā€œBrek was fantastic in the right back position. Iā€™ve never seen him play there before but he was unbelievable.ā€

Heading back onto the field after half time knotted at 1-1, Orlando City knew they had to make a huge push in the last half, and they did just that. Heath remarked, ā€œI canā€™t praise the players enough for their attitudes tonight.ā€ He continued, ā€œSeb and Boden were fantastic. They were both disappointed not to start, but then Seb got the goal, and Boden was magnificent. Sometimes you get your rewards for being a good professional.ā€

Hines made a massive contribution with his 80th minute goal ā€“ the first MLS goal of his career. He maintained his sense of cool when explaining the situation, ā€œThe ball came to me and it was just instinct to have a shot at goal.ā€ Hines accented the fact that, ā€œIt was a real big team performance.ā€ Heath added, ā€œSeb Hines is an incredible professional, so I was pleased for him to get some limelight.ā€

After successfully containing Impact star Didier Drogba, Orlando City look ahead to the coming weeks with determination. ā€œHeading into our week off we get to recharge our batteries,ā€ Hines commented. ā€œItā€™s been a hectic four weeks, but weā€™ll be fresh and ready to go against New York City.ā€

Orlando City prepare to face NYC FC at the Orlando Citrus Bowl on Friday, October 16. Coach Heath is more than impressed by the support Orlando City enjoys week in and week out, and as he looks towards the game against NY, he predicts even more, explaining, ā€œThere will be a special atmosphere in this stadium for the New York game in a couple of weeks.ā€