“It’s fun coming home to the four biggest fans in the world,” admitted Tally Hall.
Many business professionals today understand the challenges of balancing their personal and professional lives. A tedious work schedule, combined with constant travel, can be a challenge for mothers and fathers around the world. The same rings true for many of our beloved Orlando City players who balance countless hours at the practice facility and on the road with life at home.
Goalkeeper Tally Hall was quick to say how important his wife Erica is in managing his family life and soccer life. “At times it can be a tough balance. I give my wife a ton of credit for being able to take care of three kids while I’m on the road…It makes it manageable and doable when I have someone at home who can sacrifice so I can do what I do.”
Hall tries to salvage every last second with his family when he is home to make up for lost time. “When my son played soccer a few years ago, he had ten games and I only got to see two of them. It’s definitely tough,” Hall confessed. “I do miss a lot, I am away a lot, but at the same time I get to come home and hang out with them and play so you just take advantage of when you are there. When you are resting your body and icing your body you just lay on the floor and let them tackle you, and make do.”
Lions left back Luke Boden and his wife Karem celebrated the birth of their first child earlier this season. “We have a newborn son who will be five months soon, so it is tough,” said Boden. “She works at Winnie Palmer [Hospital] so it is a lot of juggling when I am away…but she supports what I do.”
Fortunately for Boden, there are things that help bridge the gap when he is traveling with the team. “Technology these days is crazy. I can Facetime and see my little boy. Sending pictures and videos as well. So I still get to see him even if I don’t get to be there.”
While life on the road can be tough, sometimes it can pale in comparison to the stress that comes on game day. Center back Aurelien Collin emphasizes how important his wife Leonella is to him after a tough game, offering words of encouragement like, “God loves you. Don’t worry, just take it as an experience to get better for tomorrow.”
It’s a side of the Lions that we don’t often see, but it’s a great look into the families and support systems that help them be the players that they are on the pitch.
Luke Boden
Families Play Crucial Role In Balance of Life and Soccer