Orlando City

💬 Ercan Kara: Orlando City showed their character in comeback draw against Columbus


Orlando City head coach Oscar Pareja and forward Ercan Kara give their thoughts following Saturday's 2-2 draw at Columbus Crew:

Orlando City Head Coach Oscar Pareja

On his overall thoughts on the game

“It was a tough game, against a tough rival. We didn’t show our potential in the first half and they confused us. On one of the sides of the field, we couldn’t control it right away. We had moments in that first half where we could have probably scored a goal and taken that pressure off, but it was hard and even harder when they scored the first goal. I really liked the reaction of our players. I think they really showed their braveness and our character. The second half was great. The players took the game for their own and I saw our team play much more fútbol and having that volume going forward and we tied it up. I think it is a deserved game for us. Again, credit to these players for showing character and our willingness is intact.”

On if there were any changes made at halftime

“We felt that it was not a need to change players or not even the game plan because it was clear for us and we weren't convinced to change it. What we needed was to execute it well and keep believing in what we are and I saw that energy in the middle of the half in the locker room with the players pushing and the leadership of the guys there. It was incredible. The first goal from Ercan [Kara] brought us back to the game obviously and made us believe in the result and the point that we could want it.”

On if the second-half substitutions were planned

“The idea was the same I'm not going to lie to you. I didn't change anything. In spite of the things that were not working, I didn't think that it was the moment to change the personnel or change the idea. I thought the idea we had was very clear. What we needed to do was execute it better and believe that we can do it much better and the players understood the message and executed and that's what I'm saying. Sometimes it is not if things are not working or the team is overloading, but we were not doing what we can do. That was exactly what happened in the second half. We did our job and the result is that we scored two goals and it could be another one too, so I'm proud of them. I'm proud because it's easy to go to the bottom in the game that you are losing 2-0 in the first half and this is a magnificent reaction. So we'll keep building on these guys that are terrific. I have such a respect for the group.”

Orlando City Forward Ercan Kara

On his overall thoughts on the game

“We knew that it was a hard game before the game and it will be a hard game. It was a hard first half, they didn't let us out. It was tough to come out, but coming back in the second half like that shows the character of the team.”

On the mood of the locker room in the first half and what was said

“First half, when we came in was not good. Everybody was not in a good mood. But yeah, we leaders try to wake up the players and say like, we can do it, we do it often. Then we wake up with the first goal, and then we play well, and score the second.”

On the touch he took to score the goal and what he made the goalkeeper do

“Thank you that you saw that. Yeah, it was it was a little bit behind me, but the first one, the first touch was okay. The finish was one on one against the goalkeeper. He decided to move a little bit earlier, before I shot and he went in the wrong direction.”